Unbreakable Machine-Doll Encyclopaedia
Tortoise Dormitory

Tortoise Dormitory.

Tortoise Dormitory (トータス寮 (トータスとうたすりょう) Tōtasu Ryō) is the worst dormitory of all dormitories. It is the dormitory of the male students with the lowest grades. In the dining hall, a student selects an item from the menu which is then served to them. A student pays for the basic lodging fee of the dormitory and a separate fee for the student's food expenses in the dormitory.



Tortoise Dormitory is an old three-story building in the georgian style of architecture. Its exterior is composed of a building with five chimneys on its slate shingle hip roof with white balustrades, brick walls, a string course between the first and second floors, several rectangular windows, an arch leading to the dormitory's entrance, a paneled wooden two-door door, a turtle shell-shaped nameplate engraved with the dormitory's name, [Tortoise Hall], various trees, shrubs and flowering plants surrounding the building, and a river beside the building.


Tortoise Dormitory is a building composed of a lobby, bedrooms with bathrooms, a dining hall, and the dormitory locker. Its interior is composed of worn out ceilings and walls, and a wooden floor.


The lobby is composed of a hall with two wooden doors at either side of the wall and a carpeted floor. An arch leads further inside where a circular wooden table with a brown vase filled with red roses that serves as the lobby's centerpiece, a rectangular wooden table with a candlestick telephone on top by the wall, a wooden spiral staircase, and several various wooden framed paintings hanged on its wall.

Akabane Raishin's Room

The room of Akabane Raishin is a bedroom with a bathroom, meant for two students, located on the second floor of the building. The entrance to the room is a wooden door with a turtle shell-shaped nameplate engraved with the lodger's name, [Raishin Akabane]. The bedroom's size and is worn out with a cracked ceiling and sooty walls. It has three gold call bells, for a call for a telephone call and for a call from the dormitory's dining hall, at the top of its door, a wooden panel by the wall at the entrance, a chandelier hanged on its ceiling, two creaking wooden beds with a cream-white pillow and bedsheets, a wooden study desk with a lampshade, books, and an accompanying wooden chair, a closet, a square tatami table with a square hole at its center, a fire place by the wall with a lampshade on top, a small rectangular wooden table with a vase filled with pink flowers beside the the fireplace, various wooden framed paintings hanged on its walls, cream-white curtained windows, a carpeted floor, and a wooden door leading to the room's bathroom. The room's bathroom has a white bathtub with a gold shower and green shower curtain, a wooden stool, a wooden toilet by a cream-white curtained window, a cream-white vase beside the toilet, and a nature designed folding Japanese screen divider.


Facing "Cannibal Candy"

Main Article: Facing "Cannibal Candy" Arc

Facing "Sword Angel"

Main Article: Facing "Sword Angel" Arc

Facing "Elf Speeder"

Main Article: Facing "Elf Speeder" Arc

List of Known Residents



